Value creation or destruction in the colombian financial sector

Luisa Fernanda Tole González

William Guillermo Naranjo Acosta


Keywords: CAPM, Beta, Economic value added, Uncertainty, Market risk


The construction of business value is important because it allows us to understand the impact that management is contributing to the maximization of resources and the sustainability of the economic entity over time.

In this sense, analyzing the construction or destruction of value in business units is essential to achieve financial strategies that allow the optimization of scarce resources and, especially, the generation of new practices for the company.

Understanding financial results and, in particular, the incorporation of different methods to value companies in the market, is crucial to consolidate businesses in current conditions. In this sense, the application of modern financial analysis allows us to improve decision making in the market management level, in order to improve the design of measures that maximize the value of the company in the market.

The general objective of the research is; determine the level of value construction in the Colombian financial sector, the specific objectives are: analyze the capital structure of the financial sector companies listed on the BVC and analyze the risk and return behavior of the financial sector in Colombia.

The research was developed using a descriptive quantitative approach, in which the financial results of the banks listed on the BVC were taken, with the information from the stock market the analysis of the CAPM model, the WACC and the EVA was constructed with the in order to establish the construction of value of the financial sector belonging to the Colombian capital market.

The research showed, firstly, that BanColombia's share was the one with the highest expected return with a value of 36.01% EA, followed by BBVA (14.13% EA) and, in third place, Preferential Bancolombia (6.64 %EA), likewise, the asset with the highest beta was Bancolombia (1.26) and the one with the lowest beta was BBVA (0.16). When analyzing the risk, it is highlighted that the stock with the highest risk is BBVA (2.82%) while the one with the lowest risk was DAVIVIENDA (1.77%). Finally, it is highlighted that the best performing financial sector asset in 2022 was the Bancolombia stock.


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