Organizational resilience and the ISO 22316 standard A state of the art

José Didier Váquiro Capera


Keywords: Resilience, Lifecycle, organizational models, ISO 22316


The risks to which organizations are exposed require the formulation and application of strategies aimed at keeping them current. The current situation of uncertainty that the world is going through requires maintain a high commitment to the strategic framework of each organization if it wants to remain in the market, in particular those companies that have seen themselves in the painful task of returning to the stage of survival due to external factors and in those where the new normality requires them to change their paradigms. SMEs, especially those that are offering hotel and restaurant services, necessarily they must put the concept of organizational resilience into practice, which forces them to redesign their purposes and goals and to execute strategies that guarantee a less uncertain future and with greater opportunities. This document analyzes the life cycle as a key factor for resilience, studies organizational models for times of change and organizational resilience models and examines the proposal that contemplates the ISO 22316 standard. This article is related to the research “Organizational resilience, factor key to achieving the survival of micro and small businesses engaged in economic activities related to hotel and restaurant services in the city of Pereira" and aims to analyze theoretical aspects related to organizational resilience and the practice of the guidelines that are enshrined in the ISO 22316 standard by companies in the aforementioned sector, in order to formulate a organizational model that adjusts to times of crisis.


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